Queue status
In Progress:13
(Last day):

Service Update - Dedicated Alliance Service

Need a reliable JF service for your alliance?

Talk to our Diplomats on Discord to receive a custom and tailor made offer to your SOV space!

  • Alliance JF Service: JF Service to structures of any corp or alliance with 75 or 250 members respectively (more info).
  • PushX Mailbox Service: A PushX citadel in your system for deliveries
  • Double Wraps/Assembled Containers in JF Contracts: Now allowed
  • Discord Consultation Service: Have PushX reps directly in your corp or alliance's Discord server
  • JF Round Trip and Bulk Discounts: Up to an additional 25% off!
PushX Elephant Race
Eve Official Forums


Watch the race VoD at https://www.twitch.tv/videos/266227924

TheDuck from Eve News 24 will be posting an article with an overview of the race events. Look for the article coming out soon!

  1. 18:18      Elowenn Sevetica
  2. 18.21      Rastafari Raven
  3. 18:23:45 Keith Barston
  4. 18:23:52 Eduardor Padagon
  5. 18:24:31 Nikolai Mazinkov
  6. 18:24:44 BubbaGump ShrimpCo
  7. 18:26      Van Hering
  8. 18:27      Fae Starguard
  9. 18:28      Firnen Bakru
  10. 18:29      Lucius Uta
  11. 18:31      Riegel Citlali
  12. 18:35      Mandor M Sawall
  13. 18:37:28 Markie JD
  14. 18:37:32 Renraku Shadowrunner
  15. 18:40      Denngarr B'tarn
  16. 18:41      Romandra
  17. 18:43      Luke Gainer
  18. 18:51      Wind Travler
  19. 18.58      Other Barry Dylan


Registrations closed on May 25th @ 18:00 EVE TIME
Registered racers list


Race begins on May 27th, 2018 18:00 EVE TIME

Join the in game channel PushX Elephant Race
Watch the events live at https://www.twitch.tv/ccp streamed by Streamfleet.

No fee is required to participate. To participate you must register. See register information above.

Participants will receive a courier contract from Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant to Choonka X - Moon 6 - Imperial Armaments Factory. The courier contract will only fit into a freighter.

DO NOT accept the contract before 18.00 EVE time on May 27 2018, when the race starts. If you accept the courier contract ahead of time you will be disqualified!!

The first pilot to reach Choonka X - Moon 6 - Imperial Armaments Factory and complete the courier contract will win the race and receive our Grand prize. There are prizes for 2nd and 3rd place as well.

ALL CCP rules apply during this event.


Grand Prize (1st place)

2nd Prize (2nd Place)

3rd Prize (3rd Place)

**PLEX and skins will be provided directly to the winners by CCP