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Service Update - Dedicated Alliance Service

Need a reliable JF service for your alliance?

Talk to our Diplomats on Discord to receive a custom and tailor made offer to your SOV space!

  • Alliance JF Service: JF Service to structures of any corp or alliance with 75 or 250 members respectively (more info).
  • PushX Mailbox Service: A PushX citadel in your system for deliveries
  • Double Wraps/Assembled Containers in JF Contracts: Now allowed
  • Discord Consultation Service: Have PushX reps directly in your corp or alliance's Discord server
  • JF Round Trip and Bulk Discounts: Up to an additional 25% off!
Please note:
Our standard rates are based on the number of warps, which is number of jumps + 1 in most cases.
High Sec
    Up to 62,500m³
    Up to 10 bil
(1 - 10 bil collateral)
X-Small/Small (0 - 62,500m³):
1,250,000 ISK per warp
Rush Service
Rush service places your contract in front of all regular contracts.
+50,000,000 ISK
The per-warp rate is multiplied depending on collateral as follows:
up to 1.5 bil (1,500,000,000) ISK:
x 1.0
(no change)
up to 2.0 bil (2,000,000,000) ISK:
x 2.0
up to 2.5 bil (2,500,000,000) ISK:
x 2.5
(no change)
· · ·
up to 5.0 bil (5,000,000,000) ISK:
x 5.0
up to 10.0 bil (10,000,000,000) ISK:
+20,000,000 ISK per 1 bil collateral
   Up to 950,000m³
    Up to 5 bil
(1 - 5 bil collateral)
Large (62,500 - 950,000m³):
1 - 30 warps
1,750,000 ISK per warp
31 or more warps
2,000,000 ISK per warp
Rush Service
Rush service places your contract in front of all regular contracts.
+50,000,000 ISK
The per-warp rate is multiplied depending on collateral as follows:
up to 1.5 bil (1,500,000,000) ISK:
x 1.0
(no change)
up to 3.0 bil (3,000,000,000) ISK:
x 2.0
up to 5.0 bil (5,000,000,000) ISK:
x 4.0
    Up to 360,000m³
    Up to 50 bil
(3 - 50 bil collateral)
JF-Large (62,500 - 360,000m³):
Base price:
200,000,000 ISK
For each lowsec system on route:
+100,000,000 ISK
Rush Service
Rush service places your contract in front of all regular contracts.
+200,000,000 ISK
up to 5.0 bil (5,000,000,000) ISK:
(included in base charge)
up to 10.0 bil (10,000,000,000) ISK:
+50,000,000 ISK
up to 15.0 bil (15,000,000,000) ISK:
+150,000,000 ISK
up to 20.0 bil (20,000,000,000) ISK:
+250,000,000 ISK
up to 25.0 bil (25,000,000,000) ISK:
+350,000,000 ISK

up to 30.0 bil (30,000,000,000) ISK:
+450,000,000 ISK
up to 35.0 bil (35,000,000,000) ISK:
+550,000,000 ISK
up to 40.0 bil (40,000,000,000) ISK:
+650,000,000 ISK
up to 45.0 bil (45,000,000,000) ISK:
+750,000,000 ISK
up to 50.0 bil (50,000,000,000) ISK:
+850,000,000 ISK
Note: Only the highest charge applies.
Low Sec
    Up to 12,500m³
    Up to 5 bil
(1 - 5 bil collateral)
X-Small (0 - 12,500m³):
4,000,000 ISK per warp
Note: These rates only apply to warps in lowsec and highsec island systems. Warps in normal highsec systems are charged according to the highsec rates listed above.
Rush Service
Rush service places your contract in front of all regular contracts.
+50,000,000 ISK
The per-warp rate is multiplied depending on collateral as follows:
up to 1.5 bil (1,500,000,000) ISK:
x 1.0
(no change)
up to 2.0 bil (2,000,000,000) ISK:
x 2.0
up to 2.5 bil (2,500,000,000) ISK:
x 2.5
(no change)
· · ·
up to 5.0 bil (5,000,000,000) ISK:
x 5.0
    Up to 360,000m³
    Up to 50 bil
(1 - 50 bil collateral)
JF-Large (12,500 - 360,000m³):
Base price:
200,000,000 ISK
For each lowsec system on route:
+100,000,000 ISK
Rush Service
Rush service places your contract in front of all regular contracts.
+200,000,000 ISK
up to 5.0 bil (5,000,000,000) ISK:
(included in base charge)
up to 10.0 bil (10,000,000,000) ISK:
+50,000,000 ISK
up to 15.0 bil (15,000,000,000) ISK:
+150,000,000 ISK
up to 20.0 bil (20,000,000,000) ISK:
+250,000,000 ISK
up to 25.0 bil (25,000,000,000) ISK:
+350,000,000 ISK

up to 30.0 bil (30,000,000,000) ISK:
+450,000,000 ISK
up to 35.0 bil (35,000,000,000) ISK:
+550,000,000 ISK
up to 40.0 bil (40,000,000,000) ISK:
+650,000,000 ISK
up to 45.0 bil (45,000,000,000) ISK:
+750,000,000 ISK
up to 50.0 bil (50,000,000,000) ISK:
+850,000,000 ISK
Note: Only the highest charge applies.
Null Sec
    Up to 360,000m³
    Up to 50 bil
(1 - 50 bil collateral)
JF-Large (0 - 360,000m³):
Base price:
200,000,000 ISK
For each lowsec/nullsec system on route:
+100,000,000 ISK
Rush Service
Rush service places your contract in front of all regular contracts.
+200,000,000 ISK
up to 5.0 bil (5,000,000,000) ISK:
(included in base charge)
up to 10.0 bil (10,000,000,000) ISK:
+50,000,000 ISK
up to 15.0 bil (15,000,000,000) ISK:
+150,000,000 ISK
up to 20.0 bil (20,000,000,000) ISK:
+250,000,000 ISK
up to 25.0 bil (25,000,000,000) ISK:
+350,000,000 ISK

up to 30.0 bil (30,000,000,000) ISK:
+450,000,000 ISK
up to 35.0 bil (35,000,000,000) ISK:
+550,000,000 ISK
up to 40.0 bil (40,000,000,000) ISK:
+650,000,000 ISK
up to 45.0 bil (45,000,000,000) ISK:
+750,000,000 ISK
up to 50.0 bil (50,000,000,000) ISK:
+850,000,000 ISK
Note: Only the highest charge applies.
    Up to 12,500m³
    Up to 5 bil
(1 - 5 bil collateral)
X-Small (0 - 12,500m³):
Base price from/to highsec:
75,000,000 ISK
Base price from/to lowsec:
90,000,000 ISK
Note: Collateral multiplier applies to the base price.
The base price is increased depending on collateral as follows:
up to 5 bil (5,000,000,000) ISK:
+100,000,000 ISK per 1b collateral
    Up to 62,500m³
    Up to 5 bil
(1 - 5 bil collateral)
Small (12,500 - 62,500m³):
Base price from/to highsec:
125,000,000 ISK
Note: Collateral multiplier applies to the base price.
The base price is increased depending on collateral as follows:
up to 5 bil (5,000,000,000) ISK:
+100,000,000 ISK per 1b collateral
    Up to 62,500m³
    Up to 5 bil
(1 - 5 bil collateral)
Small (0 - 62,500m³):
Price from/to highsec:
150,000,000 ISK
Price from/to Turnur:
50,000,000 ISK
Minimum Contract Price
All contracts are subject to a minimum price of:
4,500,000 ISK
Note: The contract price (after collateral fees and special deals) is always at least 4,500,000 ISK.
Deals and Special Services
BR/DST Freighter Jump Freighter
Rush Service Notes
Note: Rush service charge is added after collateral multipliers and discounts.
Note: Contracts assigned to Push Industries are processed roughly from oldest to most recent contract. Rush contracts are processed before any non-rush contracts.
Note: Rush service does not guarantee delivery within a specific timeframe.
Round Trip Discount (JF only)
Discount off one contract for return trips.
Customer details here.
Note: Discount must be applied to the contract that has the lower price.
Note: Contracts must be from same stations. Same system is not eligible.
Note: Both contracts must be submitted at the same time. The return contract can not be made after delivery of first contract.
Bulk JF Discount (JF only)
Discount off of bulk JF contracts created at the same time.
Customer details here.
Note: Bulk JF Discount does not stack with other discounts such as round-trip, multi-station, or promotional discounts.
PushX SOV Service
A PushX Citadel can be placed in your space for delivery. Full details here. Please inquire in game to setup service.
One-time modules fee (Optional):
Price of modules
Note: PushX SOV Service may not be available in all areas.
Additional Pickup
Additional pickup on same route:
1x per-warp rate
Note: Each additional pickup counts as one additional warp in the specific system.
Station in lowsec → lowsec rate.
Station in highsec → highsec rate.
Note: Additional pickups must be on the direct route of another contract and the total volume must not exceed the limit.
The base rate and collateral multiplier for the whole route are based on the combined volume and collateral of the contracts.
Expanded Service, 50b+
Expanded Service is special and individualized service for customers wanting to move items worth 50b+ or more and are handled on a case-by-case basis.

Rates are not pre-set for these services and may not always be available for all situations.

To inquire about Expanded Service privately contact someone listed on the Push Industries corp in game info page under Administration.