PushX Corp/Alliance Service
PushX offers JF service - with the full range of service limits - to private structures via our Alliance Service model.
Requirements to Apply for PushX Alliance Service:
- Corporations must have at least 75 members
- Alliances must have at least 200 members
- Holding corps will be considered on a case-by-case basis
Procedure to Apply for PushX Alliance Service:
A corp/alliance Director or Diplomat contacts a PushX Director with a list of structures they would like serviced
PushX will review the request and upon approval will provide our ACL.
- Holding corps will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Add our ACL to docking rights and, if possible, cloning. The ACL is tightly moderated by PushX Directors.
- Once docking rights have been granted, PushX will add the requested structures for service.
Customers can check which of their accessible structures PushX can service at Structures.
PushX reserves the right to deny service to any structure, corp, or alliance in the interest of operational security.
PushX Mailbox Service
PushX Mailbox Service is ideal for smaller corps or alliances looking for convenient JF service to a structure.
Procedure for PushX Mailbox Service::
- A corp or alliance anchors and fits a structure to their preference
- A Director or Diplomat contacts a PushX Director to arrange PushX Mailbox Service
- The requesting corp transfers the structure to Push Industries
- Provide PushX with the ACL(s) they want to have access to the structure
- PushX will provide service to the structure - the structure may be fully used as normal
- PushX will transfer the structure back to the requesting corp when service is no longer wanted.